David Altmejd Juices
February 1 – March 8, 2014
Main Gallery

  • The Flux and The Puddle, 2014
    Plexiglas, quartz, polystyrene, expandable foam, epoxy clay, epoxy gel, resin, synthetic hair, clothing, leather shoes, thread, mirror, plaster, acrylic paint, latex paint, metal wire, glass eyes, sequin, ceramic, synthetic flowers, synthetic branches, glue, gold, feathers, steel, coconuts, aqua resin, burlap, lighting system including fluorescent lights, Sharpie ink, wood
    129 x 252 x 281 inches (327.7 x 640.1 x 713.7 cm)
    ARG# AD2014-001

  • The Eve, 2014
    Plexiglas, polystyrene, expandable foam, quartz, epoxy clay, epoxy gel, synthetic hair, glass eye, resin, coconuts, steel, sesame seeds, synthetic flower, synthetic branch, flock, metal wire, lighting system including fluorescent lights, thread
    119 x 96 x 157 inches (302.3 x 243.8 x 398.8 cm)
    ARG# AD2014-002

  • Untitled, 2014
    polystyrene, expandable foam, epoxy clay, epoxy gel, acrylic paint, glass eyes, plaster
    11 x 6 x 8 inches (27.9 x 15.2 x 20.3 cm)
    ARG# AD2014-003

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The Flux and The Puddle

Plexiglas, quartz, polystyrene, expandable foam, epoxy clay, epoxy gel, resin, synthetic hair, clothing, leather shoes, thread, mirror, plaster, acrylic paint, latex paint, metal wire, glass eyes, sequin, ceramic, synthetic flowers, synthetic branches, glue, gold, feathers, steel, coconuts, aqua resin, burlap, lighting system including fluorescent lights, Sharpie ink, wood
129 x 252 x 281 inches
(327.7 x 640.1 x 713.7 cm)
ARG# AD2014-001